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PhD. Joel Exebio
Joel Exebio es máster en Nutrición Clínica, Ph.D. en Metabolismo y Nutrición de Alto Rendimiento y Nutricionista Registrado en los Estados Unidos. Su amplia experiencia en la investigación clínica de desordenes metabólicos, desarrollo de nuevas terapias para el tratamiento de la diabetes y nutrición deportiva lo llevo a ser nominado al premio “Mejor Científico Latino” el 2011 en México, ganar el “Biomedical Research Award” el 2013 otorgado por el Instituto Nacional de Salud de los Estados Unidos, y el “Worlds Ahead” el 2015, el cual lo reconoce como líder en el mundo en su rama de investigación.
Actualmente es investigador de la Universidad Internacional de la Florida en Miami con diversas investigaciones publicadas en Europa, Asia, Medio Oriente, Brasil y EE.UU., consultor de empresas de alimentos/suplementos y laboratorios, así como asesor de diversos atletas tanto en USA como en Latinoamérica.
El nos dice:
“Promover el fitness y la buena nutrición como medio para lograr una calidad de vida elevada es mi prioridad”.
El Dr. Joel Exebio es reconocido mundialmente por su éxito en el tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 2 con terapias integrales que incluyen el aspecto nutricional, actividad física, soporte emocional y manejo del estrés.
“La diabetes es una epidemia mundial. El método actual para tratar la diabetes ha fracasado contundentemente debido a que nos centramos en los síntomas de la enfermedad y no en atacar la causa de la misma. Se necesita un tratamiento integral, que ataque las causas desde diferentes ángulos. Esto requiere un cambio de estilo de vida profundo donde participen todos los miembros de la familia y un asesoramiento personalizado las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año. Tomar control de tu diabetes esta en tus manos y nosotros estamos aquí para ayudarle en ese proceso.”
Usted puede tener acceso a todas sus conferencias internacionales, clases semanales y consulta nutricional online en tiempo real a través de video conferencia o en forma presencial en nuestras oficinas en Miami, USA o Trujillo, Perú, al hacerse miembro de nuestro club.
Investigaciones Publicadas:
Ajabshir S, Exebio JC, Zarini GG, Nayer A, McLean M, Shaban L, et al.. Skin Color and Self-reported Sun Exposure Scores are Associated with Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in a Multi-ethnic Population Living in South Florida. Br J Med Med Res, 2014;4(34):5312-5323.
Cheema AK, Zarini GG, Exebio J, Ajabshir S, Shaban L, Antwi J, et al. Ethnic Differences in Insulin Resistance, Adiponectin Levels and Abdominal Obesity: Haitian Americans and African Americans, with and without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Br J Med Med Res, 2014;4(26):4455-4469.
Exebio JC, Ajabshir S, Zarini GG, Vaccaro J, Huffman FG. Use of Homeostatic Model Assessment Indexes for the Identification of Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance among Cuban-Americans: A Cross Sectional Study. Br J Med Med Res, 2014;4(29):4824-4833.
Exebio JC, Zarini GG, Ajabshir S, Antwi J, Huffman FG. Validation of a Sun Exposure Questionnaire among Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes Residing in South Florida. J Immigr Minor Health, 28 January, 2015. doi 10.1007/S10903-015-0163-7.
Exebio JC, Zarini GG, Vaccaro JA, Exebio C, Huffman FG. Use of hemoglobin A1C to detect Haitian-Americans with undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2012;56(7):449-55.
Exebio JC, Zarini GG, Exebio C, Huffman FG. Healthy Eating Index scores associated with symptoms of depression in Cuban-Americans with and without type 2 diabetes: a cross sectional study. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2011;398324. doi:10.1155/2011/398324.
Huffman FG, Exebio JC, Vaccaro JA, Zarini GG, Dixon Z. Effect of Medical Advice for Diet on Diabetes Self-Management and Glycemic Control for Haitian and African Americans with Type 2 Diabetes. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2013;4(11):1094-1101.
Huffman FG, Vallasciani M, Vaccaro JA, Exebio JC, Zarini GG, Nayer A, et al. The association of depression and perceived stress with beta cell function between African and Haitian Americans with and without type 2 diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Mellitus, 2013;3(4):236-243.
Huffman FG, Vaccaro JA, Ajabshir S, Zarini GG, Exebio J, Dixon Z. Perceived stress and self-rated health of Haitian and African Americans with and without Type 2 diabetes. J Res Med Sci. 2013;18(3):198–204.
Huffman FG, Vaccaro JA, Exebio JC, Abajshir S, Zarini GG, Shaban LH. Relationship of omega-3 fatty acids on C-reactive protein and homocysteine in Haitian and African Americans with and without type 2 diabetes. Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 2013;3(179). doi:10.4172/255-9600.1000180.
Huffman FG, Vaccaro JA, Exebio JC, Zarini GG, Katz T, Dixon Z. Television watching, diet quality, and physical activity and diabetes among three ethnicities in the United States. J Environ Public Health. 2012:191465. doi: 10.1155/2012/191465.
Huffman FG, De La Cera M, Vaccaro JA, Zarini GG, Exebio J, Gundupalli D, et al. Healthy Eating Index and Alternate Healthy Eating Index among Haitian Americans and African Americans with and without Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2011;398324. doi:10.1155/2011/398324.
Huffman FG, Exebio JC, Zarini GG, Exebio C. Use of HbA(1c) in screening for Cuban-Americans with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2011; 13(3):541-545.
Vaccaro JA, Exebio JC, Zarini GG, Huffman FG. The Role of Family/Friend Social Support in Diabetes Self-Management for Minorities with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Nutrition and Health, 2014;2(1):1-9. doi: 10.12691/jnh-2-1-1.
Zarini GG, Vaccaro JA, Canossa Terris MA, Exebio JC, Tokayer L, Antwi J, et al. Lifestyle Behaviors and Self-Rated Health: The Living for Health Program. J Environ Public Health, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 315042, 9 pages.
Exebio JC. The effect of vitamin D supplementation on glucose homeostasis among African-Americans and Hispanics with type 2 diabetes. Experimental Biology. Boston. 2015.
Exebio JC. Use of HOMA indexes for the identification of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance among Cuban-Americans. Graduate Student Appreciation Week. Miami. 2014.
Exebio JC. Validation of a sun exposure questionnaire among subjects with type 2 diabetes residing in South Florida. Graduate Student Appreciation Week. Miami. 2015.
Ajabshir S, Exebio JC, Zarini G, Nayer A, Vaccaro J, Huffman F. Pulse pressure and blood triglyceride levels among a young multi-ethnic group living in South Florida. The FASEB Journal. 2015;29:584.7.
Ajabshir S, Exebio JC, Zarini G, Nayer A, Vaccaro J, Shaban L, et al. Serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D is associated with blood total cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure in a young multi-ethnic group in South Florida. The FASEB Journal. 2014;28:1041.15.
Ajabshir S, Exebio JC, Zarini G, Podesta C, Vaccaro J, Huffman F. Quantitative measures of forearm skin color and self-reported sun exposure scores predict serum 25(OH)D concentrations in a young multi-ethnic population living in South Florida, US. The FASEB Journal. 2013;27:245.7.
Antwi J, Cheema A, Ajabshir S, Exebio JC, Zarini G, Vaccaro J, et al. Relationship of triglyceride levels with A1C and adiponectin in Haitian-Americans with type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2014;28:1029.4.
Basiri R, Zarini G, Vaccaro J, Exebio JC, Huffman F. Relationship between intake of phylloquinone (vitamin K1) with blood lipids and biomarkers of glucose homeostasis in Haitian-Americans and African-Americans with and without type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2015;29:902.8.
Cheema A, Zarini G, Exebio JC, Ajabshir S, Huffman F. Association between depression and smoking in African-Americans with type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2012;26:1057.10.
Cuervo J, Zarini G, Exebio JC, Mclean M, Huffman F. Hypertension, glycemic control and microalbuminuria in Haitian-Americans and African-Americans. The FASEB Journal. 2012;26:876.3.
Dixon Z, Exebio JC, Vaccaro J, Zarini G, Huffman F. Effect of medical advice for diet on diabetes self-management and glycemic control for Haitian and African-Americans with type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2013;27:615.13.
Exebio JC, Zarini G, Vaccaro J, Ajabshir S, Huffman F. The effect of vitamin D supplementation on glucose homeostasis among African-Americans and Hispanics with type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2015;29:259.8.
Exebio JC, Zarini G, Vaccaro J, Ajabshir S, Cheema A, Antwi J, et al. Association between serum vitamin D and insulin resistance in African-Americans with type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2014;28:1030.3
Exebio JC, Ajabshir S, Zarini G, Shaban L, Huffman F. Use of HOMA indexes for the identification of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance among Cuban-Americans. The FASEB Journal. 2013;27:615.12.
Exebio JC, Zarini G, Duenas C, Huffman F. Association between total fat intake and depressive symptoms in Cuban-Americans with and without type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2012;26:812.4.
Exebio JC, Zarini G, Huffman F. Association of diet quality with depression in Cuban-Americans with type 2 diabetes. 2011;25:991.13.
Exebio JC, Zarini G, Exebio C, Huffman F. Use of HbA1c in screening for Cuban-Americans with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2010;24:932.8.
Huffman F, Frade T, Mclean M, Zarini G, Exebio JC, Antwi J, et al. Association between ghrelin and triglyceride levels in blacks with and without type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2014;28:1029.5.
Huffman F, Exebio JC, Zarini G, Vaccaro J, Ajabshir S. Validation of a sun exposure questionnaire among subjects with type 2 diabetes residing in South Florida. The FASEB Journal. 2015;29:902.5.
Huffman F, Vaccaro J, Exebio JC, Ajabshir S, Zarini G. Effect of omega-3 fatty acid intake on C-reactive proteins in African and Haitian- Americans with type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2013;27:615.8.
Huffman F, Zarini G, Exebio JC, Nelson E, Pinzon N, Negron J, et al. Understanding the differences in pulse pressure in two minority groups: Haitians and Cubans. The FASEB Journal. 2010;24:932.5.
Podesta C, Ajabshir S, Exebio JC, Zarini G, Podesta R, Huffman F. Relationship between blood pressure and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D among a young multi-ethnic group living in South Florida. The FASEB Journal. 2013;27:615.14.
Shaban L, Zarini G, Exebio JC, Shin D, Huffman F. Association between Taq1 vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphism and LDL-C in Cuban-Americans. The FASEB Journal. 2012;26:526.6.
Vaccaro J, Exebio JC, Ajabshir S, Zarini G, Huffman F. Effect of omega-3 fatty acid intake on homocysteine in African and Haitian Americans with type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2013;27:615.11.
Vivas A, Exebio JC, Zarini G, Ajabshir S, Antwi J, Cheema A, et al. The relationship between self-rated health and dietary choices of African-Americans. The FASEB Journal. 2014;28:806.6.
Zarini G, Exebio JC, Podesta C, Huffman F. Association between HOMA-B and A1C levels in Haitian-Americans with type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2012;26:869.9.
Zarini G, Shaban L, Exebio JC, Vaccaro J, Ajabshir S, Huffman F. Relationship between microalbuminuria and serum vitamin D levels in African-Americans with type 2 diabetes. The FASEB Journal. 2015;29:902.6.
Zarini G, Shaban L, Exebio JC, Mclean M, Huffman F. Relationship between 25-hydroxyvitamin D and adiponectin levels in Blacks. 2013;27:841.4.
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- Visto: 3978
Consultas nutricionales, preparación para competencias, seminarios y conferencias
Joel Exebio
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Contratos de publicidad y cobertura de campeonatos/eventos
Silvia Reyes
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